People have been getting lost trying to find the passenger terminals at Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport. In an attempt to help ease the problem, the airport board voted on December 16 to spend $3.5 million on signage on the freeways, streets, and community. Signs will be placed on I-10, Loop 101, Loop 202, and U.S. 60, as well as Ray, Ellsworth, Pecos, and Power.
Signage in the community district will pepper arterial roads leading from surrounding cities and towns to the airport, alerting people traveling in neighboring areas to the airport’s presence and confirming that those already on their way to Gateway are headed in the right direction.
As for the signs, the team agreed on a basic color and naming system after reviewing more than 200 options, Bielenberg said. They have decided to get their signs from
Bright-green signs leading to the airport will refer to “Gateway” instead of the more wordy Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport, formatting decisions that will be taken into account as Arizona 24 is completed. Hawes and Power roads will serve as the primary freeway exits.
Signs within the airport will be dark blue.
Finally, consultants outlined four phases for implementation, generally beginning with adjacent freeway signs and spreading outward. Projected costs for each phase revolve around the types of structures that would support each sign.
The airport expects to return to the board in February for approval of a design contract for Phase I, though its implementation will rely on the availability of capital funds, according to Gateway Deputy Director Casey Denny.